What is Bullet Journaling?
So what exactly is Bullet Journaling?
Simply put, a Bullet Journal is a blank or dot grid journal (see above) used to create goals and trackers that allow your creativity to flow.
You purchase a blank or dot grid journal and create something unique and creative, usually related to your goals. This does mean that starting a bullet journal requires a rather significant up-front time investment.
Is Bullet Journaling Hard to start?
Here’s the catch: A bullet journal isn’t something you can buy already stenciled, templated with drafts or with fill-in sections. Because of the raw nature of bullet journals, starting a bullet journal does require a rather significant up-front time investment.
Are there alternatives?
Here at L'Rara, we actually carry a "modified version of bullet journals". Many of our journals come with easy-to-fill-in templates that include your calendar entries, to-do lists and sketch ideas. This makes it easier for someone with a busier life that may not have the time to invest in the upfront work of a bullet journal the freedom to start off with something clearly defined!
L'Rara Journal Calendar Template

L'Rara Journal Math Grid Template

L'Rara Journal List Template

The above pages are direct extracts from our Crane Journal Collection: https://lrara.com/products/cloud-crane-journal-return-of-cranes-collection